HCP Services

 The district will make a variety of appropriate program services to students who participate in the program. Once services are started, a continuum of services will be proved to identified students in grades K-12. The district will keep on file a description of the educational programs provided for identified students. The district reviews services annually for each student to ensure that the services are appropriate. Each building’s Highly Capable Coordinator and a classroom teacher will meet with parents of students who are identified as highly capable in the fall of each year for the purpose of developing the child’s Advanced Learning Plan. Areas addressed will be determined by each student’s learning profile.

To learn more about the district services you can read the District Highly Capable Services Plan.
The district will offer highly capable students the following services: 
  1. Differentiation in the classroom through:
    1. curriculum compacting
    2. lesson differentiation
    3. advanced or creative tasks and assignments
    4. independent projects
    5. clustering with academic-level peers
    6. choice in assignments
    7. independent goals and practice
    8. independent contracts
    9. pre-assessment for units
  2. Single subject grade acceleration
  3. Advanced Placement and accelerated courses in high school
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