Our VISION 2027 Strategic Plan
Context : This plan was drafted by staff, board directors, families, and community members.
- Committee Assembled: Starting in September 2021, the Vision 2027 team met monthly to review the 2017-21 strategic plan, district data, education research, and sample strategic plans.
- Vision 2027 Drafted: Throughout the fall and winter, the team drafted the goals, strategies, and metrics for Vision 2027.
- Feedback: In April, the team gathered feedback from staff and high school students to make improvements.
- Community Survey: In May and June, the team shared a survey with the community and received approximately 150 responses, mostly from middle school students and family members. The majority of respondents indicated that the goals and strategies were easy to understand and meaningful. The team made final revisions based on the feedback.
- Board Review: On June 7 and August 18, the board discussed Vision 2027 and suggested revisions to strengthen the plan.
- Launch: In September, we will launch the school year with the Vision 2027 priorities.

Every student will be known, supported, and engaged in our schools and graduate with the skills to thrive in the world and change it for the better.
Three Goals for ALL Students
- SHOWING UP: attending school regularly and actively engaging in learning
- MAKING PROGRESS: meeting or exceeding grade-level standards every year
- PREPARED FOR LIFE: Post-graduation success in higher education and career
ALL means EACH & EVERY Student
We strive for equitable outcomes among demographic groups (race and ethnicity, gender) and programs (English Language Learners, students with disabilities, students experiencing poverty). High school students say, “All means each and every student. We want people to feel like they can come to everything. Everyone can be who they are.”
How will we get there?
Three Strategies for KNOWING & SUPPORTING ALL Students
Matching Instruction to Student Need: Students say, “There are so many different people who learn differently. We need opportunities for help when we are struggling.”
- Inclusionary practices that provide students with multiple ways to acquire new skills and content and demonstrate their learning. Culturally-relevant practices such as curricular resources that show diverse perspectives and cooperative learning.
- Universal screening and early interventions for academics and social/emotional learning. Informed decisions about student support (using a variety of data).
Promoting Wellness for Students and Staff: Students say, “Extracurriculars help me be more confident and in general happier.”
- Healthy food and fitness.
- Relationships as the foundation for restorative approaches to discipline.
- Positive identity development.
- Social and emotional learning and mental health resources.
Partnering with Families and Community: Students say, “When families are more involved, a real sense of community is created. Students benefit because they feel more brave because they feel supported by the adults in their lives.”
- Providing access points for families to support student learning.
- Volunteers to actively work in the schools.
- Community organizations and businesses offer resources and benefit from the passion of our students.
Three Strategies for ENGAGING ALL Students
Place-Based Learning: Students say, “Make it relevant to everyday life.”
- Projects designed with community partners that are relevant to all learners.
- Student work that shows learning and critical thinking.
- Presenting solutions to real-world problems to authentic audiences.
Making Real-World Connections: Students say, “If you give me a situation then I can actually understand it.”
- Engaging students in authentic tasks with real audiences.
- Supporting work-based learning, Career & Technical Education and the development of professional skills.
Providing Choices for Students: Students say, “Options are very important.”
- Offering a range of academic courses, elective courses and extracurricular activities that allow students to follow their passion.
- Opportunities in music, the arts, and Alternative Learning Experiences (ALE).