Students in the Port Townsend School District are provided assessment each year to help guide instruction.
Students in Washington are assessed in English Language Arts, Math, and Science.
*Students in Kindergarten take the WA Kids Assessment from Sept. – Oct.
*Students in Second Grade & Fifth Grade are screened for Highly Capable Eligibility in Feb-March.
*Students in Kindergarten-Second Grade are screened for markers of Dyslexia in Jan.
*Students in Grades 3-8, & 10 are assessed in the areas of ELA and Math using the Smarter Balanced Assessment.
*Students in Grades 5, 8, and 11 are assessed using the WCAS in the area of Science.
*One to two percent of students will take an alternate assessment called the WA-AIM.
For more information about testing in the state of Washington: