After referral materials and forms have been received, the materials will be screened to determine if a students is likely eligible for HCP services. Likely eligible students will be tested using the CogAT. The COgAT results will be used as further information to determine a student's eligibility for HCP services.

What does CogAT measure?
CogAT measures learned reasoning and problem-solving skills in three different areas: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal. Reasoning skills
develop gradually throughout a person’s lifetime, and at different rates for different individuals. CogAT does not measure such factors as effort,
attention, motivation, and work habits, which contribute to school achievement as well.

Why was CogAT administered?

CogAT scores can be used by teachers to help students learn more effectively. For example, if a child’s score profile shows an uneven pattern of  relative strengths and weaknesses, teachers can provide challenging opportunities for the child to do the kind of thinking he/she does best (building on the student’s strengths). Teachers can support aspects of new tasks that rely on a student’s relative weaknesses. When the child has established a foothold
in an area, teachers can guide her/him to develop the relatively weaker reasoning skills by applying these skills to the familiar task (strengthening the student’s weaknesses).

How do the three batteries of CogAT differ?

• The Verbal Battery measures a child’s ability to remember and transform sequences of English words, to understand them, and to make inferences and judgments about them.

• The Quantitative Battery tests the child's understanding of basic quantitative concepts and relationships that are essential for learning mathematics.
Tasks measure both the understanding of relational concepts and the student’s ability to discover relationships and to figure out a rule or principle
that explains them.

• The Nonverbal Battery measures reasoning using pictures and geometric shapes. This reduces the impact of language on the student's score.
The Nonverbal Battery also appraises the student’s ability to use her/his cognitive resources in new situations.

What is the student’s relative standing on the CogAT?

Because CogAT is nationally normed, the test performance of one child can be compared with the test performances of other children throughout the nation
who are the same age. The Standard Age Score gives a national age percentile rank for your student and is a general statement of this student's reasoning ability.
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