Public Records Requests

Any person wishing to inspect or copy identifiable public records of the Port Townsend School District will make the request to LaTrecia Arthur, Public Records Officer, in any of the following ways:
By Email:
By U.S. Mail:
Port Townsend School District Office
LaTrecia Arthur, Public Records Officer
1610 Blaine Street
Port Townsend, WA   98368
By Fax:
(360) 385-3617
In Person:
Port Townsend School District Office
1610 Blaine Street
Port Townsend, WA   98368
Business hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday, excluding legal holidays.

The following information should be included in the request:
- Name and address or name and email address of the requestor. Additional contact information, such as a telephone number, is optional.
- Identification of the requested records adequate for the Public Officer to locate the records; and
- The date and time of day of the request.


Cost of Printed Copies and Mailing
Requestors will be charged $0.15 per page for paper copies provided and actual cost for mailing. 

Cost of Electronic Records
Requestors will be charged $0.10 per page scanned into electronic format; $0.05 per each four (4) files or attachments uploaded to email, cloud-based storage service, or other means of electronic delivery; $0.10 per gigabyte for the transmission of public records in an electronic format or for the use of District equipment to send the records electronically; and actual cost for any digital storage media or device provided by the District and any associated mailing costs.  If removable devices are used to transfer records, they cannot be reused by the district.

See Board Policy and Procedure 4040 Public Access to District Records for further information and complete fee schedule.
Last Modified on June 27, 2023
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