Food Services

Food Service Mission

All students have access to fresh, nutritious, and locally sourced food every day so they can thrive, grow and learn.   

MEAL PRICES: 2024-25

Salish Coast Elementary School qualifies for free meals, based on House Bill 1238
and OCEAN School qualifies for free meals based on the Community Eligibility
Provisions (CEP). Despite this, families are still required to complete the Free/Reduced Meals application. Please note that the fee schedule for both schools will remain; only the first meal is free, and there will be a cost for the second meal.

***National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs have returned to traditional operations making school meals no longer free for everyone***

Meal Prices for the 2024-25 School Year


Reduced Price Breakfast


Reduced Price Lunch

Salish Coast





Blue Heron





















How to Purchase Meals

To purchase meals students should have money deposited in their school food service account. This can be done through e-Funds, online system with a small processing fee using a checking account routing number or credit card, or with cash or check at school. Salish Coast and Blue Heron students and families pay in the school office, high school students pay food service staff directly. Our school district uses a computerized cashiering system to track deposits and meals purchased through use of a Personalized Identification Number that ensures confidentiality.

Free and Reduced Lunch

You may qualify for free or reduced priced meals. Applications are available online, at each school office, and in the school cafeterias. These applications are kept highly confidential and are only processed by the food service director and business office assistant.

Each household in the district will be mailed a Free/Reduced lunch form at the beginning of the school year or will be given one if they transfer in mid-year. We will make every attempt to make sure families have filled out a free/reduced lunch form. The school district will run a Direct Certification once a month. The application may be turned in at the school office or mailed to:

1610 Blaine St.

Port Townsend, WA 98368

For more information about free and reduced meals eligibility, visit the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition page.

Meal Charging

With the passing of House Bill 2610 school procedures have changed starting with the 2018-19 school year.

  • No child will be denied food
  • No alternate meal is to be served
  • No student below the age of 15 can be told they have a negative balance

A low balance reminder and negative balance reminder will be mailed out at the end of every month. 

No adults will be allowed to have a negative balance.

The school district will make every effort to collect outstanding food service balances. Please contact food service with any questions or concerns.

Shannon Minnihan, Food Service Director

Port Townsend School District
1610 Blaine St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368

USDA non-discrimination statement.

August 21, 2024, by LaTrecia Arthur 

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