Highly Capable Services

Highly Capable Learners

We strive to empower every child to develop a passion and contribute to their community.  The Port Townsend School District recognizes that highly capable learners have unique needs.  Highly capable students perform and show potential for performing significantly advanced academic levels with compared to others of their age, experiences, or environments.  Outstanding abilities are seen within students' general intellectual aptitudes, specific academic abilities, an/or creative productivities within a specific domain.  We recognize that these students are represented within all protected classes and strive to accurately identify students.  

Teachers, parents, or community members may refer any student through grade 11 for assessment:  Secondary students may self-refer.  All second grade students will automatically be screened, Feb-March.  Existing achievement data of all sixth grade students will also be reviewed in March.  No referral is needed at second or sixth grades.  Referral forms must be received before Jan 31 of the school year.  Identification is based evidence collected during the referral process.  No one piece of evidence is the deciding factor.  Students identified as Highly Capable generally fall in the 1-3% of their same age, grade, experience and/or environment in the three academic areas which are verbal, quantitative, and non-verbal.  

Goals and/or Plans
Upon identification, family and teachers work to collaboratively create the specific approach and/or goal for the student.  Services are individualized and determined based on student need.  

Review of Student Progress

Student performance on district and state assessments is monitored for growth and plans are reviewed annually.  Students in high school work to align their plan to their High School and Beyond Plan. 

Appeal Process
If a student is not identified, the family may appeal the decision to the multidisciplinary team by completing an appeal form.  

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